Sales & Support

Paul Dixon - Managing Director
Paul has been involved with radiography and medical imaging for over 20 years. Having graduated from the University of Salford in 1999, with BSc Diagnostic Radiography he has since held a number of Sales Management and Marketing roles in large multinational companies before taking the reins at Rothband.
Tori Jones - Sales Manager

Lewis Cawley - Vet Sales
Lewis began his Rothband career on the Medical Side, and has now transferred to helping start-up the Veterinary Department. After a successful launch into the Veterinary field, Lewis operates a central control role, keeping business in motion, and providing a strong working environment for his colleagues to thrive in.
Ryan Davies - Vet Sales
Engineering Team
Simon Walsh- Technical Manager
Johanna Cotton-Brindley - Applications Specialist
Johanna has over 25 years’ experience working in both human and Veterinary diagnostic/therapy radiography, clinically and academically. She had some amazing experiences and says there is nothing better for keeping you sharp than having a man with a gun stood over you while you radiograph a tiger! When not working she is usually at home on the farm working her horses, or doing agility with the worlds largest German shepherd.
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